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Research field

Algorithm design, combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithm, online algorithm, theoretical computer science, optimization technique application 

Professional Career

Mar 2016 - Present: Assistant Professor, Yonsei University, Korea (Republic of).
Aug 2012 - Jan 2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jan 2002 - Feb 2005: Programmer, Icube Corp., Korea (Republic of).

Professional Services

Served as a local co-organizer for AAAC 2019.

Served as a referee for the following journals: Journal of the ACM, Mathematical Programming, SIAM Journal on Computing, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Algorithmica, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research, Management Science, Operations Research Letters, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.

Served as a subreviewer for the following conferences: STOC, FOCS, IPCO, SODA, ICALP, APPROX, ESA, SoCG, ISAAC, COCOON, STACS, CiE, SWAT, WADS.

A current member of the following academic societies: ACM, ACM SIGACT, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society.


Feb 2021: Teaching Award, Yonsei University.

Dec 2019: Achievement Award, National Information Society Agency.

Dec 2019: Best Paper Award, KSC 2019, Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers.

Oct 2016: Research Grant Award, The Okawa Foundation.

Oct 2013: Finalist, George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, INFORMS.

Sep 2012: Departmental Best Thesis Award, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.

Feb 2006: Excellence Award, Seoul National University.

Mar 2001: Silver Medal (as a team), ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals.