

데이터인텔리전스연구실 인공지능

Data Intelligence Lab

담당교수 이동하



공학원 448호

연구실 소개

Our research group is currently seeking **talented and passionate students (MS/PhD)** as well as **undergraduate research interns** to join our team.
As a member of our team, you will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research projects in a collaborative and supportive environment. We are committed to providing our team members with the resources and mentorship necessary to achieve their research goals and make a meaningful impact in their respective fields.

Text Mining & NLP Applications Reasoning over Knowledge Graph Information Retrieval & Recommendation
대표 논문
  • TaxoCom: Topic Taxonomy Completion with Hierarchical Discovery of Novel Topic Clusters, WWW 2022
  • Bootstrapping User and Item Representations for One Class Collaborative Filtering, SIGIR 2021
  • Learnable Dynamic Temporal Pooling for Time Series Classification, AAAI 2021